Just cPanel Shared Hosting is ideal for websites with few visitors. While shared hosting is perfect for smaller projects and is the most wallet-friendly option out there, it might come with certain limitations. Due to the fact that a few people share the same server's resources, your website might sometimes run slower. This can happen when your shared hosting neighbor uses a big part of the server's limited resources or their website receives a lot of traffic.
No matter how hard JustVPS works to decrease the impact of your shared hosting neighbors on the speed of your website, the nature of the shared server takes its toll. That's why JustVPS recommends that you check out our more powerful hosting solutions suitable for bigger projects when you expect or already experience higher traffic levels on your website.
As soon as your project requires more resources, consider our Virtual Private Server (VPS) solutions. Choose Just cPanel VPS for a seamless transition to dedicated resources while keeping the cPanel interface.